Friday, March 28, 2014
Just My Thoughts: Who He Really Was… (Sincere)
Just My Thoughts: Who He Really Was… (Sincere): 6 foot, 2 inches/ long reach/ Orthodox or southpaw with his speech/ The type to lay silent and make noise/ The type ...
Who He Really Was… (Sincere)
6 foot, 2 inches/ long reach/
Orthodox or southpaw with his speech/
The type to lay silent and make noise/
The type to get challenged and stay poised/
A fighter/ a graffiti writer/
Similar to me he was an outsider/
Not afraid to scrap/ but afraid to fail/
Full of conflict/ trying to prevail/
From the fight inside he was having with his self/
Walked the opposite way of everybody else/
Cats that popped shit would leave him amused/
Cats that talked dumb would leave him confused/
Like Negro, how could you not know?/
Many thought that he had a huge ego/
Arrogant was his demeanor but not his core/
He was the cat that told me I should rap more/
A man of few words/ and not a lot of patients/
But would seek out wisdom in conversation/
Clever with his thoughts/ and bold with his words/
He’d say what we would of said if we had the nerve/
He knew the streets well/ but not well enough/
He wasn't the type that tried to act tough/
Just a real dude that may come across cavalier/
So much so he called himself Sincere/
Born in December of 77
September of 13/ he went to
We were at peace before his eyes closed/
That’s why I’m here to let you all know/
Who he really was/
Who he really is/
How he made his moves/
And how he lived/
Some of y’all thought right train wrong tracks/
And if you thought that you’re not looking at the facts/
The fact is my brother was keeping it raw/
And his tolerance for bull was lower than ours/
So if you didn't know/ well now you know/
I’ll see you when it’s my turn little bro/
For all you other cats that miss Sincere/
Give you loved one flowers while they’re still here/
This way they are still alive to smell them/
Let them know how much you love while you can tell them/
Welcome to the Track #9 lyrics of the "A Moment of Clarity" project... I have 2 cuts in his honor and I even have my Mother on the track... That's right... Mom has contributed a verse. I am not going to Blog-Out every track... But I had to share this part of the project for obvious reasons...
Headed to the Blue Room Studios in D.C. to record next weekend*
Thursday, March 27, 2014
Just My Thoughts: The Unfortunate Missteps of the Woman Without a Na...
Just My Thoughts: The Unfortunate Missteps of the Woman Without a Na...: In a great town, in a great home, we find a not so great woman. this woman is without a name. Yet she represents many women...
The Unfortunate Missteps of the Woman Without a Name.
In a great town, in a great home, we find a not so great woman. this woman is without a name. Yet she represents many women, men and adolescent teen. She is the poster child for all who take shortcuts in life. She was cut from the molds of privilege, entitlement and lack of effort. No sweat ever came from her pores as a result of going the extra mile. She would take a short cut through a brier patch naked before she stayed the course. Today we find her getting out of her massive bed in her massive home getting ready to go to her massive job with her massive title. She is massively late though... Seems like she hit the snooze button one too many times, which is her norm. Unorganized, sleepy and slightly confused, she rushes to prepare for her day. A meal and a quiet moment to reflect on goals, are never a part of her morning routine. Vanity consumes her on this day like it did on the days before this one. The skirt she slips on is too tight. The blouse she squeezes into shows too much cleavage. Her face has too much make-up and her hair is too big. Deep down she believes she is not beautiful and she's right in a sense. Her heart is ugly but this ugliness is by choice. It refuses to love and be loved and that's why it acts the way it does. That ugliness rises to the surface, personified by the lies of her ego. So she "dolls" herself up making herself unrecognizable from who she really is. Of course, she cannot find her car keys, purse or favorite black shoes without a vigorous search. Her home like her spirit is in chaos, unorganized and without order. She is finally ready to hit the road and she does so in style. Mercedes Benz E Class. Status symbol for success, superiority and performance. Ironically all of the qualities not embodied by its driver...
This way of living comes with a price. Karma is woman unlike the aforementioned. She is thorough, precise, diligent, determined and an unwavering female. She watches the woman with no name as she pulls into her reserved parking space for her job with the massive title. Karma has a birds eye view from the roof of the hospital where she works. Karma can hear her fellow employees and subordinates complain about "how late Karma" is. Karma laughs to herself knowing that she works on her time, not theirs. Karma looks at her watch as the woman with no name exits her car and enters the building. The watch has a white band and a white face without numbers or hands. Then the lovely and graceful Karma fades into the building though the roof where she once sat. She submerges through the concrete as if it were water in a calm sea. Down in radiology is where karma does her work. First in the form of an health issue. The woman with no name has a severe headache today. She has been having these headaches for quite some time. These headaches are due to bad diet, lack of rest and high cholesterol. However, the doctor that she trusts recommends that she has a test which has little to nothing to due with her clinical history or her symptoms. She trusts him none the less because she hired him personally, despite his lack of experience and lack of quality references. Truth be told, she hired him because he flirts with her, making her feel a false sense of beauty. Truth be told further, he flirts with her to better his position for financial gain. Being cheap, her insurance will only cover her exam at the hospital where she currently works. (Or rules with an iron hand depending who you ask) So she marches down to radiology to put herself on the schedule. Had she called to schedule the technologist would have had time to question the order and put people in place so that her study could be done with quality and care. Karma somehow knew that the woman with no name would be to eager for the process in which she herself set for everyone else. She knew that the woman without a name would skip the line. So she gave the technologist with the most skills the day off. Karma had a tech in place that was hand picked by the woman with no name herself. This tech failed through college but was graduated anyway because of who she knew. Fresh out of school and advanced to the front of the line; this tech was as green as a blade of grass. The woman without a name and the tech that she put in place exchange snooty pleasantries before her exam begins. Fearful and inexperienced, the technologist brutally over exposes her boss to high doses of radiation. In a panic, she then repeats the exam doubling the amount of exposure she had already gave. Between the two botched studies, the not so sharp Doctor had enough information to rule out what a doctor with more integrity could have ruled out clinically without the exam. His conclusion was that she needed proper rest, a better diet and less caffeine. Things deep down she had already known. Karma was in the room listening to the Doctor give his advice with the longest of smiles on her face. Her job is easy when it comes to people like this. Karma again looks at her faceless watch and slides through time effortlessly. Time and space are like a satin drapes to her. She travels to a future time where the woman without a name suffers in her home. She suffers from radiation poisoning and she is dying a slow death. She is bald, she in nauseous and she is bleeding internally. Yet karma is not here to watch her die or to enjoy the fruits of her labor. She is here to intercept. She looks at her faceless watch and the moment after she does, the Angel of Death enters the room. The woman without a name can feel the darkness and coldness in the room. She wants to die. The suffering is so great, she could care less about being alive. She closes her eyes and accepts Death's cold embrace. What she doesn't see is the face of Death. The Angel is not happy to see Karma by her side. For he knows every time he does he cannot take his prize. Karma tells the Angel "It is not yet her time to die" The Angel looks at her with disgust and envy as she continues. "She will be with me for awhile longer" The Angel of Death says nothing as he leaves, taking his darkness and coldness with him.
The woman with no name will not have her prayers of death answered today...
Nor will she have them answered tomorrow...
Her only company is a single tear that refused to be born. Karma has put a stop to that as well. In Karma's eyes, the ability to cry is a form of release that might make the woman without a name feel better.
After the woman without a name went so long without empathy for others; why would Karma have empathy for her?
The woman with no name will not have her prayers of death answered today...
Nor will she have them answered tomorrow...
Her only company is a single tear that refused to be born. Karma has put a stop to that as well. In Karma's eyes, the ability to cry is a form of release that might make the woman without a name feel better.
After the woman without a name went so long without empathy for others; why would Karma have empathy for her?
Tuesday, March 25, 2014
Just My Thoughts: A Moment of Clarity
Just My Thoughts: A Moment of Clarity: A Moment of Clarity How should I start this?/ how should I go in?/ What should my flow be?/ how should I begin?/ So much to disc...
A Moment of Clarity
A Moment of
How should
I start this?/ how should I go in?/
What should
my flow be?/ how should I begin?/
So much to
discuss?/ before my time ends?/
Mind steadily scheming on just how to win?/
What should
I speak on?/ how do I innovate?/
How do I
brush off followers that love to hate?/
How do I
thank all of the strangers that went out and bought it?/
How do I
look at my family who wouldn't support it?/
How can my company flourish?/ How can I maintain my courage?/
When so
many try to discouraged?/
How do I bring
my brother back reincarnated?/
Which song
would he love most out of everything that I've created?/
How do I
stay motivated?/ How I do not become bitter and jaded?/
"Hey look
Mamma I made it”
Will this be
my last LP?/ Will I just stick to Poetry?/ Novels and movies?/
Are these
the last of my musical lyrical days?/
Will Showtime
and HBO take an interest in my screen plays?/
Funny when
I ask every question in sincerity?/
I can hear
my Mother’s voice clearly speaking out to me?/
Son what’s
for you is for you?/
God works
on his time?/ and deep down I already knew?/
Her wise
words are always on my mind?/
She gives
me food for thought with each and every line?/
Pops has
wisdom to give too?/
He’ll laugh and joke but he don’t play?/ his words are real and true?/
How was I
blessed with such cool parents?/
How the
hell did they make it work for over 40 years of marriage?/
Or better
yet are those days over?/
No more
husband and wife shit just special friends and cold shoulders?/
Why don’t
rappers rap when they get older?/
damn well wisdom makes everything you say colder?/
Could it be personalities scream this is a young man’s game?/
Damn shame?/
the wise have no place in the game?/
I’m asking
questions but I know the time?/
Like pleading
innocent knowing that I did the crime?/
This is the first track of what could be my very last effort of hip-hop music. This is not posturing or threatening a public retirement to try to gain some kind of press... I am an independent artist more infamous than famous. This is taking care of unfinished business as an Emcee. I have never felt that I had that one body of work that defined who I was or showcased my lyrical range. I wanted storytelling, punchlines, intricate flows and tricky wordplay. I also wanted to do all of that while providing a window inside to who I am at this point of my life. Creatively I will be going in a different direction on this blog and with my writing in general.... So to all who are just now getting to know me welcome and to all those who already know me hold on to your butts.
Just My Thoughts: But what about the Soul?
Just My Thoughts: But what about the Soul?: Once upon the time there were two lovers. These two lovers were very different from each other. One was a spiritual man and the other...
Monday, March 24, 2014
But what about the Soul?
Once upon the time there were two lovers. These two lovers were very different from each other. One was a spiritual man and the other a woman without faith. The man saw his woman as a blessing; an opportunity to perhaps mentor his lady towards spirituality. He felt the desire to love and be loved spiritually, yearning from the outer edges of her soul. He also saw her pertinacity to love in areas outside of romance; so their union made sense to him. Keeping in mind that they found each other at an early period of his faith. He was very naive in his wisdom of spirit and flesh. His lady, not sensitive to the frequency of spirit, did not mind her partner's spirituality at all. She wished that she could be in tune with the higher power, but she was unable to be... and consequently did not believe in its existence... She, like her man, also saw this union as an opportunity. An opportunity for love to overpower their spirit and make it a slave to its will. An opportunity to be ministered in a faith she felt was forced on her as a youth, long before the union was made. An opportunity to love in a way that would break the curse of loveless partnerships in older generations of her family.
Underestimating the relentless nature of evil and the heat of fire during a soul's baptism; both realized after the fact that love doesn't over power anyone who is unwilling to let love into their hearts.
Starting on a foundation of fantasy and not friendship, their union aged in a manner that made time longer than it was. Their love had the wear and tear of two battling soldiers, not lovers from two different worlds. Naive lovers make naive mistakes... Their circle of friends also handled their love in a manner that was not productive to the union between the two. Their circle of friends handled the couple individually, not as one entity. They would tell the spiritual member that he needed to be stronger... they would tell the spiritual member that he needed to deal with it... they would tell the spiritual member that he would needed to adjust his approach... Perhaps they felt that way because he had faith to fall back on. Or perhaps they felt that it would be very unlikely for his lady to evolve into a spiritual form of compromise that she was not accustom to. Regardless of motive, the spiritual member felt as if he was asked to be infallible; perfect in every way to make the relationship work.
Ironically, many of the same people would tell the other member of this union differently. They suggested to her that her and her man may have out grown each other... They spoke to her about exit strategy and independence...
Very wise words on both accounts...
But what about the Soul?
Man and woman in a union such as theirs are of one body. 2 halves of a whole heart, 2 sides of the same flesh, Yin and Yang, Earth and Moon. 2 different forms of advice going to in essence one entity only lengthened the crack in their armor. It caused anger and confusion. Ultimately, as human beings we may all be guilty of loving 2 people in a single bond in different ways. So this author will not judge or throw stones at anyone who does...
But what about the Soul?
A friend with the proper wisdom would attempt to get to the root of the problem. I say attempt since many couples themselves don't know. However, if there was the discovery that this union was experiencing a failure to connect on an intimate level, the approach and advice may have been different. Perhaps the spiritual male could mentor differently. Perhaps his lady could be more willing to allow love into her heart. Perhaps they both could be more patient and transparent with each other...
Failure to connect on an intimate level suggests there's a great fear hiding in the shadows, perhaps behind perceived success or a genuine looking smile...
No one should ever be told "deal with it, or haul ass" before a search of the soul is pursued. Someone may leave but have the same intimacy problems they were told to run from before. Someone may never learn the taste of sweat that the deepest and strongest relationships are familiar with.
It is my belief that our souls have a temporary residence in the crude and fragile flesh we occupy.
Man's job on Earth is not to save souls... However we shouldn't undermine them either... Love is always an option.
Man's job on Earth is not to save souls... However we shouldn't undermine them either... Love is always an option.
If the soul itself is crying out, if hearts are aching, if spirits cannot rest peacefully...
Why not speak to the soul first since that's where the pain is?
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