Tuesday, June 21, 2016

The Karma of Passive Aggression #poetry

At this point in time many of us have realized two basic truths/

The first is this fact/ How folks are/ and how folks act/ might not match/ like your two thumbs do/

Number two/ There is karma associated with everything we do/

Before your mind contemplates/ or deliberates/ the karma we make by being fake/ please allow me to elaborate/

How folks act/ and how folks are “not matching” (in this case) is in reference/ to folks that are passive aggressive/ 

Those folks that avoid confrontation at all cost/ as well as forward motion or progression/

Left back in spirituality school/

Thinking it is hip and cool/

Showing up to class without class/ or the notes from yesterday’s lesson/

Carrying burden around like it’s a blessing/ 


Choosing burden and oppression over freedom of expression/ 

Making life uncomfortable for them-self/ a slave to their inner rage and aggression/ 

Now bold talk and big bluffs/ from those who ain’t that tough/

Brings me back to the second point I made on line three/

Before your mind contemplates/ or deliberates/ the karma we make by being fake/ please allow me to elaborate/

There is karma associated with everything we do/ is in reference to/ the circular nature of the universe/

Meaning the energy you put out will most certainly return to you/

Sort of like how the soul returns to god/

Take me for example/

I was too passive to speak back in the day/

Even though I had plenty to say/

I would get walked on lyrically by emcees who spit aggressively/

My Karma/ regret and dishonor/ knowing I would have killed had I just went harder/

Present day/ No sons and no daughters/ Just God in closed quarters/ Tea leaves and hot water/ 

Went from inspired chaos to lyrical order/

Went from news watcher to street reporter/

Speaking live from the concrete jungle, brown bricks and gray mortar/

The Karma for believing I wasn't worthy was the reality of my own thoughts/

The karma for living on my knees was wobbly legs when I finally stood up/

The karma for living fake was a failure to recognize the real/

The karma for loving fearless is accepting immortality/

The karma for spreading my wings was flying away/

The karma for living a dream was being awake/

The karma for teaching a student was learning a lesson/

The karma of passive aggression ~